Kuo-Ning Chiang, Associate Professor

E-mail: knchiang@pme.nthu.edu.tw
tel: 886-3-574-2925
fax: 886-3-572-2840
snail mail : Dept. of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Expertise
Electronic Packaging ,High-Performance Computational Methods, Computaional Solid Mechanics ,Nonlinear Transient Finite Element Analysis , and MEMS Packaging
Ph.D., School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia (1989)
University of South Carolina (1985), M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (1980), B.S. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.
Division Head, Apply Research Division I of National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC) -- current.
Secretary-General, Chinese Association of Computer-Aided Engineering -- current
Session Chair, 1998 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Evolving Packaging Materials and Structures Symposium, Nov. 15-20, 1998, Anaheim, CA, USA.
ASME EP Organizer,"New Directions for Manufacturing Technology: Process Sensoring, Monitoring, Modeling and Verification in Electronic Packaging Symposium (Nov. 16-21 1997, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, USA.)
Session Chair, Computational Method for Structural Problems, High-Performance Computing ASIA '97 Conference
ASME EP Organizer. Sensing,Modeling and simulation in Emerging Electronic Packaging Symposium (1996 ASME Winter Annual Meeting)
Symposium Organizer, INTERPACK'97,"Advanced Modeling, Simulation, and Validation for Electronic Packaging Technologies Symposium", June 15-19, 1997 Hawaii, U.S.A.
Sept.1989 - April 1993
Senior Engineer, Research and Development Dept. of The MacNeal-Schwendler Co.
- July 1988
- Cornell National Supercomputer Center Worked on IBM 3090-600E supercomputers system for testing the parallel/vector numerical algorithms.
- May-June 1988
- Visiting Researcher (Norway Det Norske Veritas Research Center)
- May-Sept. 1986
- General Motors Research Labs., Engineering Mechanics Dept.
- 1982-1983
- Chun Yuan Steel Industry Co., Taiwan. Structural Design Engineer
- Research Projects:
- Finite Element Analysis of Femoral Stem Prostheses
- Active Noise Control and Dynamic Absorber Applying to Rotatory Machinery and Electical Appliances
- Yuloong Car Crashwothiness Simulation.
- Applied Computational Contact Mechanics for Design Rail Vehicle Structure
- Integrating Hybrid III Dummy and Cervical Spine Finite Element Model Applied to Design Vehicle SIR System
- Analysis of Adiabatic Shear Bands in Thermoviscoplastic Material Under Combined Loading
- Thermal Deformation Analysis of Plastic Quad Flat Pack by Moire' Interferometry and Finite Element Modeling
- P6 CPU Connector Vibration Finite Element Analysis
- Micro-Macro-Micro Analysis of Large-Scale BGA Structures Using Finite Element Methods (Electronic Packaging)
- Prediction of the Solder Joing Configuration Under Various Geometric Parameters
- Development of a New P-Version Finite Element Method
- Standardization of Software Developement Procedures
Completed International Projects:
MSC/NASTRAN software development project with MacNeal-Schwendler Co., US(~NT$5000000/yr. for 2 years)
- Application of Sparse Solver in Large Scale, Parallel Solid Mechanics Computation with Dr. Iain Duff, Harwell Research Lab. UK
- Software development of LS-NIKE3D with Dr. John Hallquist, Livermore Software Technology Co., US
- (A) Refereed Paper
- Chiang K.N., Cheng H.C., and Chen W.H., "Large-Scaled 3-D Area Array Electronic Packaging Analysis", To be published at Journal of Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, 1999.
- Cheng H. C., Chiang K. N., and Lee M. H., "An Alternative Local/Global Finit e Element Approach for Ball Grid Array Typed Packages", ASME Transaction, Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 120, pp.129-134, June 1998.
- Chiang K. N., Chen W. L., "Electronic Packaging Reflow Shape Prediction for The Solder Mask Defined Ball Grid Array", To be published at ASME Transaction, Journal of Electronic Packaging, Sept. 1998.
- Chen P. T., Chiang K. N., Shyu B. L., and Fu S. H.,"An Application of Coupled Finite Element Method/Boundary Element Method to The Computation of Structural Acoustic Response for Submerged Elastic Structures", 1997 Outstanding Paper Award. , Journal of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol. 16, No.4, pp.63-72, 1997
- Cheng H.C.,Chiang K.N, and Lee M.H.,"On the Optimal Topological Design of Plate/Shell Like Structures for Frequency Response Optimization Problems", Accepted Oct. 1997, The Chinese Journal of Mechanics.
- Komzsik L. and Chiang K. N., "The Effect of a Lagrange Multiplier Approach in MSC/NASTRAN on Large Scale Parallel Applications", International Journal of Computing System in Engineering, Vol.4 No.2/4, 1993
- Chiang K. N. and Fulton R. E., "Parallel Transient Finite Element Analysis", Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 42 No. 5, pp. 733-739, 1992.
- Fulton R. E., Chiang K. N. and Ou R. F., "Parallel Nonlinear Finite Element Dynamic Response", International Journal of Computing System in Engineering, Vol.2, No. 2/3, pp. 243-252, 1991.
- Chiang K. N. and Fulton R. E., "Structural Dynamics Methods for Concurrent Processing Computers", Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp.1031-1037, 1990.
- Fulton R. E. and Chiang K. N., "Concepts and Implementation of Parallel Finite Element Analysis", Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 1039-1046, 1990.
- Chiang K. N., "Parallel Processing Approach for Crash Dynamic Analysis", Ph.D. Thesis, School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atalanta, GA, Sept. 1, 1989.
- Fulton R. E, Chiang K. N., "A General Approach to Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis on Parallel/Vector Computers", Visualization in Supercomputing pp.41-63, Lecture Series in Engineering, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
- (B) Conference Paper
- Chiang K. N., Cheng H.C., "On Enhancing Eutectic Solder Joint Reliability Using A 2nd-Reflow-Process Approach", ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Evolving Packaging Materials and Structures Symposium, EEP-Vol. 24, pp.21-25, Nov. 15-20, 1998, Anaheim, CA, USA.
- Cheng H.C., Chiang K.N., and Chen C. K., "Parameter Analysis of Thermally Enhanced BGA Reliability Using A Finite-Volume-Weighted Averaging Technique", ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Evolving Packaging Materials and Structures Symposium, EEP-Vol. 24, pp.13-20, Nov. 15-20, 1998, Anaheim, CA, USA.
- Chiang K.N., Lee M.K., and Cheng H.C., "Area Array Solder Joint Design and Reliability Prediction",International Symposium on Advanced IC Packaging Technology, Proc. pp.120-127, April 23, 1998, HsinChu, Taiwan.
- Chang Z.M., Chiang K.N., "Parametric Thermal Stress Analysis of Underfill-Encapsulanted Flip Chip Packages",International Symposium on Advanced IC Packaging Technology, Proc. pp.111-119, April 23, 1998, HsinChu, Taiwan.
- Chiang K.N., Cheng H.C., and Chen W.H.,"A Hybrid Approach for Ball Grid Array Nonlinear Thermal Stress Analysis",To be published at International Conference on Computational Engineering, Oct. 6-9, 1998, Atlanta GA, U.S.A.
- Chiang K.N.,"A Large Scale Finite Element Analysis for Ball Grid Array Package Design",Invited paper, to be published at HPC'98 Conference, Sept.22-25, 1998, Singapore.
- Chiang K.N.,"Finite Element Analysis for Ball Grid Array",workshop on semiconductor processing, packaging, and material into twenty-first century, Proc. Vol VII Part I, April 22-24, 1997, Taiwan.
- Cheng H.C., Chiang K.N., and Lee M.H.,"Finite Element Analysis of Plastic Ball Grid Array Packages Using a Local/Global Technique", The National Conference on the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Proceeding Vol. II pp.465-474, Dec. 1997.
- Chen W.L.,Shyu B.L. and Chiang K.N., "Prediction of the Solder Joint Configuration Under Various Geometric parameters", MED-Vol. 6-1, Manufacturing Science and Technology Volume I, pp.397-400, ASME winter annual meeting, Nov. 16-21 1997, Dallas, Texas, USA.
- Cheng H.C., Chiang K.N., and Lee M.H.,"On the Equivalent Finite Element Beam Model for Ball Grid Array Analysis",MED-Vol. 6-1, Manufacturing Science and Technology Volume I, pp.353-360, ASME winter annual meeting, Nov. 16-21 1997, Dallas, Texas, USA.
- Chiang K.N.,"Electronic Packaging Simulation Using Finite Element Technique", Invited Paper, The NIST Solder Interconnect Design Team Workshop, Proc. Vol. I, Feb. 11-12, 1998, Gainsburg, USA.
- Chen W.L., Chen C.C. and Chiang K.N., "Development of a New Spring-Damper s Element for General Structural Analysis", 1997 High-Performance Computing Conference, IEEE. pp605-610, April 28 - May 2, 1997, Seoul, Korea.
- Cheng H.C., Lee M.H. and Chiang K.N.,"On the Optimal Topological Design o f Plate/Shell Like Structures for Frequency Response Optimization Problems", 1997 High-Performance Computing Conference, IEEE. pp407-412, April 28 - May 2, 1997, Seoul, Korea.
- Chiang K. N. and Fu H.H.,"Finite Element Vibration Analysis for Zero Inserting Force Socket Components", 1996 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Sensing, Modeling and Simulation in Emerging Electronic Packaging, EEP-Vol. 17, pp.81-86,Nov. 1996, Atlanta, USA.
- Chiang K. N., Fu H.H., and Shyu B.L.,"An Evaluation of Sparse Solvers using Large-Scale F.E. Applications", Large-Scale Structural Analysis for High-Perfor ance Computers and Workstations, NASA Langley Research Center, Nov. 8-11, 1994
- Chiang K.N., Shyu B.L. and H.H. Fu,"
The Effect of Indefinite Sparse Solver in LS-NIKE3D", The Second International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, Greece, Aug.30-Sept.1, 1994
- H.H. Fu, B.L. Shyu, K.N. Chiang "Sparse Iterative and Direct Solution in Large Scale Finite Element Applications." 6th MSC/NASTRAN Taiwan User Conference.
- Chiang K. N., "P-Version Element Assembly Approach in MSC/NASTRAN", The Fifth Annual MSC Taiwan User's Conference, Proc. Vol. I Part 15, Taipei, Nov. 15-16, 1993.
- Komzsik L. and Chiang K. N., "A Lagange Multiplier Based Parallel Algorithm in MSC/NASTRAN",The Fifth Annual MSC Taiwan User's Conference, Proc. Vol. I Part 1, Taipei, Nov. 15-16, 1993.
- Chiang K. N. and Fulton R. E., "Advences and Trends in Transient Parallel Finite Element Analysis", 1990 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, Proc. Vol. II, pp.433-439, Aug. 5-9, 1990, Boston MA.
- Fulton R. E., Chiang K. N. and Goehlich D., "Finite Elements for Concurrent Processing Computers". 1989 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, Conference Proc. Vol. II pp.17-23, July 30 - August 2, 1989, Anaheim, CA.
- Chiang K. N. and Fulton R. E., "A General Approach of Parallel/Vector Finite Element Computations", 6th ASCE Conference in Computing in Civil Engineering Session 36, Sept. 11-13 1989, Atlanta.
- Chiang, K. N. and Fulton R. E., "Nonlinear Dynamics Methods for Parallel Computers". ASCE Fifth Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Proc. pp. 144-158, March 29-31, 1988 Alexandria, VA.
- Fulton R. E., Goehlich D., Runfu Ou and Chiang Kuo-Ning, "Structural Dynamics Methods for Parallel Supercomputers",The MacNeal-Schwendler Co. and Georgia Institute of Technology Contract Technical Report Phase III, Oct. 1989.
- Fulton R. E., Chiang K. N. and Goehlich D.,"Advanced in Nonlinear Analysis Methods for Ocean Structures useing Parallel Computers", Proc. at International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering Under Arctic Condition June 12-16, 1989, Sweden.
- Goehlich D., Chiang K. N. and Fulton R. E., "Parallel Computer Approach to Finite Element Methods", UPCAEDM 1988 Conference Proc. pp. 139-144, June 27-29, 1988, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Fulton, R. E. and Chiang, K. N.,"Comparison of Shared Memory and Hypercube Architectures for Structural Dynamics " (Invited Paper), Third International Conference on Supercomputing and Second World Supercomputer Exhibition, Proc. Vol. 1, pp 418-426, May 15-20, 1988, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Fulton R. E., Chiang K. N. and Goehlich D.,"Parallel Computer Implementation of Finite Element Methods", 2nd International Conference on Vector and Parallel Computing June 6-10, 1988, Tromso, Norway.
- Fulton, R. E. and Chiang, K. N.,"Computational Crash Dynamics Methods for Fifth Generation Supercomputers".General Motors Research Labs. contract technical report phase II (E-25-633), Jan. 1988.
- Fulton, R. E. and Chiang, K. N., "Computational Crash Dynamics Methods for Fifth Generation Supercomputers". General Motors Research Labs. contract technical report phase III (E-25-633), Dec. 1988.
- Fulton, R. E. and Chiang, K. N.,"Computational Crash Dynamics Methods for Fifth Generation Supercomputers".General Motors Research Labs. contract technical report phase I (E-25-633), Dec. 1986.
- Connor, L. N. and Chiang, K. N.,"Periodically Reversing Heat Transfer and Energy Storage". ASME winterannual meeting, Dec. 8-12, 1986, Anaheim, CA.
- (C) Book and Other Publications
- Ume C., Yeh C. P. and Chiang K. N.,"Sensing, Modeling and Simulation in Emerging Electronic Packaging",EEP-Vol.17,ASME, 1996.
- Chiang K. N., "MSC/NASTRAN Kernels, Testers, and Timers Version 67.5Vol. I", The MacNeal-Schwendler Co. Book Series, April 1993.
- Chiang K. N., "MSC/NASTRAN Kernels, Testers, and Timers Version 67.5 Vol. II", The MacNeal-Schwendler Co. Book Series, April 1993.