(院士), International Academy of
Engineering (IAE)
Advanced Microsystem Packaging & Nano-Mechanics Research Lab.
Professor K. N. Chiang received his Ph.D. from the
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. He is the Chair
Professor at the National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan. From 2010 to
2013, he served as General Director of the National High-Performance Computing
Center, which is the National Strategic Research Center of Taiwan. He has
received three times outstanding research award from the Ministry of Science and
Technology of Taiwan and has published more than 400 technical papers in
international journals and conference proceedings. He has awarded more than 50
invention patents. Currently, he is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Mechanics
(SCI), Academic Editor of Materials (SCI), Associate Editor of the Journal of Electronic
Packaging (SCI), and he was the Associate Editor of the 4 SCI
Journal and the board member of IEEE-EPS.
He has made
significant achievements in
simulation-based science and technology. He successfully combined simulation
design with artificial intelligence technology and applied it effectively to
semiconductor-related designs. His technology has greatly reduced product
development time and development costs. He has worked with many major electronic
packaging, semiconductor and LED companies such as ACET, TSMC,
Powertech Technology,
Research Area:
Ph.D., ME of
ME of
Present: Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University
Present: Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Mechanics (SCI)
Academic Editor, Materials
Associate Editor, Journal of Electronic Packaging (SCI)
Present: Director, Advanced Packaging Research Center, NTHU
Present: Adjunct Chair
professor, Feng Chia University
n Present: Research Fellow, Microsystem center of ITR
n Academician, Russian International Academy of Engineering
n ASME Fellow
n STAM Fellow
n IEEE Fellow
n iMAPS Fellow
n IEEE-CPMT Board of Governors
n Award committee, IEEE-CPMT
n Convener, Solid Mechanics Research Program, Ministry of Science and Technology
n Vice President, Asia Liaison Committee of International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (ALC, iMAPS)
n Director of National Center for High-Performance Computing
n Chairman of iMAPS - Taiwan (2006-2012, International Microelectronics and Packaging Society)
Senior Area Editor, IEEE Transactions on Components,
Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology (SCI)
n Co-Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology
n Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging
n Associate Editor, Journal of electronic package - ASME Transactions
n Associate Editor, Journal of Mechanics
n Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies
n Engineering Director of ERSO/ITRI (2003-2005)
n Secretary-General of ASME Taiwan Section (2002-2005)
n Chairman of Key Application Committee – ERSO/ITRI (2005)
n Director of R&D Division, NCHC (1993-1998)
n Board Member of IMAP (International Microelectronics and Packaging Society) - Taiwan
n Board member of KingPak Technology Inc.
Board member of Argosy Research Inc.
Journal Papers
Ph.D. Thesis
Book and Technical Report
Awards and Honors