描述: 描述: logo-1998.jpg (11287 bytes)


1998.8 老師加入清華園

1998.8 永得,昌明,振南進入實驗室

描述: 描述: C:\AppServ\www\csml\history\more-2.gif        

1998.9 郡文加入實驗室

1998.9 CSML第一學期展開

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描述: 描述: logo-1999.jpg (11291 bytes)


1999.X永得論文"On Enhancing Eutectic Solder Joint Reliability Using a Second-Reflow-Process Approach"IEEE 接受

1999.6 實驗室網頁獲得工學院網頁設計比賽第一名

1999.7 治棠,長安,世民,俊德生力軍加入

1999.7 首批博士班學生昌明,基正,國明搶灘

1999.9 國欽加入博士班

1999.9 第一屆學生提論文計畫書

1999.11 郡文,振南獲ASME接受"Contact Stress Analysis of Chip-on-Glass Assemblies Using the Micro-Bump Bonding Method"

1999.10 昌明發表"Hybrid Solder Reflow Analysis of Area Array Packages"MSC年會

1999.12 昌明發表"Analysis of Reflow Geometry for The Hybrid-Pad-Shapes System of Ball Grid Array Packages"(PDF)於中國機械工程師年會

1999.11 老師率郡文,永得前往美國Motorola, 參加’99 ASME發表….


描述: 描述: logo-2000.jpg (11409 bytes)


2000.2 郡文,基正,永得,國欽,昌明獲國家毫微米實驗室積體電路訓練見習證書

2000.4 永得,長安於IMAPS報告"An Overview of Solder Bump Shape Prediction Algorithms with Validations"

2000.6 振南,郡文,永得碩士論文口試

2000.7 昌駿,永儒,啟銘,曉東,生力軍加入

2000.7 俊德,長安甄試博士班,搶灘成功

2000.8 治棠,俊德,世民獲國家毫微米實驗室積體電路訓練見習證書

2000.10 治棠,民通過碩士論文資格考

2000.11 基正發表"Thermal/Machnical analysis of novel c-TSOP using nonlinear FEM method (PDF) "於花蓮ANSYS論文發表會

2000.11 昌明發表"Solder shape design and thermal stress/strain anslysis of Flip Chip Packaging using hybrid method (PDF)"於花蓮ANSYS論文發表會

2000.11 治棠,俊德前往美國Orlando發表"The reliability and parametric study of wafer level package"ASME 2000 conference

2000.11 基正發表"Thermal/Machnical analysis of novel c-TSOP using nonlinear FEM method(PDF"於香港EMAT論文發表會

2000.11 昌明發表"Solder shape design and thermal stress/strain anslysis of Flip Chip Packaging using hybrid method (PDF)"於香港EMAT論文發表會

2000.11 治棠發表"The reliability and parametric study of wafer level package"於中國力學年會

2000.11 長安發表"Micro-Bump Geometry Prediction Methods for Electronic Packaging(PDF) "於中國機械年會

2000.12 俊德發表"Process and reliability simulation of Flip Chip using anisotropic conductive film"於新加坡EPTC 2000

2000.12 研究室尾牙聚餐於新竹卡爾登飯店


描述: 描述: logo-2001.jpg (10946 bytes)


2001.01 老師喬遷之喜

2001.01 研究室全體於老師新居烤肉

2001.02 研究室全體喝春酒於新竹德森坊


2001.6 治棠,民碩士論文口試


2001.7 欣怡,正斌,銘鴻,興治,生力軍加入


2001.7 治棠報考博士班,搶灘成功


2001.8 昌駿,永儒獲國家毫微米實驗室積體電路訓練見習證書


2001.10 昌駿,永儒,啟銘,曉東通過碩士論文資格考


2001.12 俊德發表Reliability Analysis of Flip Chip Package Using Contact Finite Element Method.於中國機械工程年會

描述: 描述: logo-2002.jpg (11477 bytes)

200206  昌駿,永儒,啟銘,曉東 碩士論文口試

200207   實驗室全體墾丁畢業旅行

200207  明澔 , 偉全 , 家豪 加入 CSML大家庭

200207  昌駿 , 曉東 博士班搶灘博士班成功

200209   中秋節於老師家烤肉同歡

200210  欣怡,正斌,銘鴻,興治 碩士論文資格考通過

200211  基正發表"A Full-Scale 3D Finite Element Analysis for No-underfill Flip Chip Package"於紐奧良 ASME年會

200211  治棠發表"Investigation of Thermal Effect of Packaged CMOS Compatible Pressure Sensor "於紐奧良ASME年會

200212  國欽 , 昌明 , 基正 參加 ISEM Conference 於台北圓山大飯店

描述: 描述: logo-2003.jpg (11455 bytes)

200301  實驗室於老爺大飯店舉辦年終尾牙

200303  實驗室全體於老師家烤肉喝春酒 , 慶祝新的一年到來

200304  治棠發表"The Reliability Analysis and Structure Design for the Fine Pitch Flip Chip BGA Package"於法國 Eurosime 年會

200304  長安發表"Design, analysis and validation of vertical probing technology"於法國 Eurosime 年會


200304   本實驗室陽光美少男昌明連同基哥快樂相親記^O^



200306 欣怡,正斌,銘鴻,興治 碩士論文口試通過



200306 國明,基哥,國欽 博士論文口試通過



200307  全實驗室畢業旅行∼花東三日快樂遊



200307  歡迎建成、政男、展延、明志、宏誠加入CSML

描述: 描述: C:\AppServ\www\csml\history\more-2.gif


200307   俊德發表"Analysis and Validation of Sensing Sensitivity of a Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor",於美國夏威夷 InterPack 年會



200307   昌駿發表"Design and Reliability Analysis of Wafer Level Package with Bubble-Like Buffer Layer",於美國夏威夷 InterPack 年會



200311   治棠發表"A Novel Silicon Base Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor Using Front Side Etching Process", 於美國華盛頓 ASME 年會



200311   治棠發表"Design and Analysis of the CMOS Compatible Pressure Sensor Using Flip Chip and Flex Circuit Board Technologies", 於美國華盛頓 ASME 年會



200311  昌駿發表"Design and Analysis of Gasket Sealing for Cylinder Head in 2.0L Engine Operation",於雲林斗六ANSYS®研討會



200312  昌駿發表"Design and Analysis of Temperature Distribution for 2.0L Cylinder Head in Engine Operation",於台北中國機械工程學會第20屆全國學術研討會



200312  昌駿發表"Design and Analysis of Gasket Sealing for Cylinder Head in 2.0L Engine Operation",於台南全國力學會議



200312  恭賀本實驗室指導教授江國寧老師榮獲92年國科會傑出研究獎



描述: 描述: C:\AppServ\www\csml\history\logo\logo-2004.jpg


200401  實驗室於新竹卡爾登大飯店舉行年終尾牙


200404  老師帶領俊德、治棠、長安、展延、明志參加第三屆兩岸奈米會議於花蓮東華大學 



200405  恭賀本實驗室指導教授江國寧老師榮獲美國機械工程師學會會士(ASME Fellow)



200405  長安、政男發表"Design and Analysis of Novel WLCSP Structure"於比利時EuroSime研討會



200406  治棠發表"Experimental Characterization and Mechanical Behavior Analysis on Intermetallic Compounds of 96.5Sn-3.5Ag and 63Sn-37Pb Solder Bump with Ti-Cu-Ni UBM on Copper Chip",於拉斯維加斯ECTC2004研討會



200406  昌駿發表"3D Structure Design and Reliability Analysis of Wafer Level Package with Bubble-like Stress Buffer Layer.",於拉斯維加斯Itherm2004研討會



200406  全爺豪哥順利畢業

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200407  歡迎振宏、信男、仲融、建嘉生力軍加入CSML大家庭



200407  全實驗室畢業旅行∼墾丁、高雄、月眉快樂三日遊



200409   明志 博士班搶灘成功



200409  昌明博士班順利畢業



200410 展延碩士論文資格考通過



200411 昌駿發表"Design and Analysis of the CMOS Compatible Pressure Sensor Using Flip Chip and Flex Circuit Board Technologies",於日月潭涵碧樓ANSYS 2004 Taiwan Conference



200411   俊德發表"Experiment Validation of a Nano-Probe for the AFM based on the Large Deflection Theory",CSME Conference於高雄中山大學



200411   俊德發表"Design and Analysis of a Nano-Probe for the AFM based on the Small/Large Deflection Theory",ASME Conference於美國安納罕




200411   長安, 政男 發表 "Atomistic to Continuum Mechanical Investigation of ssDNA and dsDNA using Transient Finite Element Method,"於香港 Inter-Pacific Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference


200412 昌駿發表"Design of Double Layer WLCSP Using DOE with Factorial Analysis Technology",於新加坡IEEE 2004EPTC 研討會


描述: 描述: C:\AppServ\www\csml\history\logo\logo-2005.bmp



2005•1    實驗室於新竹國賓大飯店舉行年終尾牙


2005•4    展延 發表“Solder Joints Layout Design and Reliability Enhancement of Wafer Level Packaging”,於德國柏林EuroSim研討會

2005•4    治棠 發表“Thermal Performance and Solder Joint Reliability for Board Level Assembly of Modified Leadframe Module,”,於德國柏林EuroSim研討會

2005•5    長安 發表“Investigation of Sequence-Dependent dsDNA Mechanical Behavior using Clustered Atomistic-Continuum Method“,於美國安納罕Nanotech Conference

2005•5    政男 發表“Investigation of Local-Strain Effect of the Nano-Scale Triple Gate Si/SiGe and SiNx/Si Stacking MOS Transistor“於美國安納罕Nanotech Conference


2005•6    治棠,長安博士班順利畢業。展延碩士班順利畢業。



2005•7    歡迎修平,昭荏,建仲,沈傑,宗燐 加入CSML。展延博士班搶灘成功。


2005•7    實驗室快樂畢業旅行:峇里島五天行。

2005•10   明志 發表"Reliability Analysis of a New Soft Joint Protection Technology Using in WLCSP."於花蓮ANSYS User Conference

2005•10   昌駿 發表“Hybrid Solder Pad System for Enhancing the Reliability of Wafer Level Packaging,“於花蓮ANSYS User Conference


2005•10   建嘉 發表"Reliability Assessment of Lead-Free Flip Chip Package Using Factorial Design Methodology",於花蓮ANSYS User Conference



2005•11   昌駿 發表“Reliability Analysis of WLCSP Using Tie-Release Crack Prediction Finite Element Technique,”於美國奧蘭多ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition



2005•12   長安,展延,政男 發表 "Design and Analysis of Novel Glass WLCSP Structure.",於新竹National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics



2005•12   仲融 發表"Numerical Simulation of the Mechanical Properties of Nanoscale Metal Clusters Using the Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics Method.",於法國巴黎European Nano System



2005•12   政男 發表”Investigation of ssDNA molecule using clustered atomistic method and its application to the dsDNA analysis,”於澳洲布里斯班Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology


2005•12   政男 發表“ Local-Strain Effect of the SiNx/Si Stacking and Nano-Scale Triple Gate Si/SiGe MOS Transistor”於澳洲布里斯班Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology

2005•12   俊德 發表“ Thermal and Mechanical Responses of Thermomechanical Microprobe for High Density Storage Technology,“ 於澳洲布里斯班Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology


描述: 描述: C:\AppServ\www\csml\history\logo\logo-2006.bmp



2006•1    實驗室於東京都舉行年終尾牙



2006•1    建成 發表“Electromigration Study of SnAg3.0Cu0.5 Flip Chip Solder Bumps”於美國夏威夷Pan Pacific Microelectronics Symposium



2006•1    俊德 發表“Investigation of Nano-Scale Single Crystal Silicon Using the Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics with Stillinger-Weber Potential Function,“於新加坡NanoSingapore



2006•4    明志 發表"Sensitivity Design of Chip-in-Substrate-Package Using DOE with Factorial Analysis Technology," 於義大利ComoEuroSIME2006 International Conference



2006•4    展延 發表"Reliability Impact of Highly Temperature-Dependent Underfill Material to the Lead-Free Flip Chip Package,"於義大利ComoEuroSIME2006 International Conference



2006•5    仲融 發表"Investigation of Carbon Nanotube Mechanical Properties Using The Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics Method."於美國波士頓NSTI Nanotech 2006



2006•5    政男 發表“Investigation of ssDNA Backbone Molecule Mechanical Behavior Using Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics Method”於美國波士頓NSTI Nanotech 2006



2006•5    建嘉 發表"Electromigration Characteristic of SnAg3.0Cu0.5 Flip-Chip Interconnection," 於美國聖地牙哥Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)






2006•6    信男,振宏碩士班順利畢業。昌駿博士班順利畢業。仲融博士班搶灘成功。






2006•6    展延 發表"12" to 8" wafer transformationn technique using novvel glass WLCSP structure," 於台北世貿中心IMAPS2006



2006•6    明志 發表"Reliability and Characterization of Novel WLCSP with Fan-Out Capability,"於台北世貿中心IMAPS2006



2006•6    明志 發表"Using FEM-based Method for Sensitivity Design of Chip-in-Substrate-Package," 於台北世貿中心IMAPS2006



2006•7    歡迎宏安,室瑩,端佑,香鈜加入CSML



2006•7    明志 發表 "Factorial Analysis of Chip-on-Metal WLCSP Technology with Fan-Out Capability,"於新加坡IPFA2006



2006•8    實驗室畢業旅行:清靜農場,日月潭,廬山,溪頭快樂三日行



2006•9    建嘉 發表"Interconnect Design and Thermal Stress/Strain Analysis of Flip Chip Packaging"於韓國濟州島ICEM2006



2006•9    建嘉 發表"A Novel Prediction Technique for Interfacial Crack Growth of Electronic Interconnect"於韓國濟州島ICEM2006



2006•10  明志 發表"The Solder on Rubber (SOR) Interconnection Design and Its Reliability Assessment Based on Shear Strength Test and Finite Element Analysis"於德國WuppertalEuropean Symposium Reliability of Electron Devices



2006•11  宗燐 發表"Investigation of packaging effect of silicon-based piezoresistive pressure sensor"於美國芝加哥ASME Intl. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition



2006•11  政男 發表"From Atomic-Level Lattice Structure to Estimate the Silicon Mechanical Bulk Behavior Using the Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics"於香港ACCM-5



2006•12  仲融 發表"Numerical Simulation of the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Using the Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics."於法國巴黎European Nano System 2006



2006•12  修平 發表"Reliability Analysis of a Package-on-Package Structure Using Novel WLCSP Technology with Fan-Out Capability"於香港International Conference on Electronics Materials and Packaging



描述: 描述: C:\AppServ\www\csml\histor1.jpg



2007•1    實驗室於新竹饌巴黎餐廳舉行年終尾牙



2007•4    明志 發表“A Study of Failure Mechanism and Reliability Assessment for the Panel Level Package (PLP) Technology”EuroSIME2007_London, England




2007•      仲融 發表“Simulation and Validation of CNT Mechanical Properties – The Future Interconnection Material”ECTC 2007_Reno, USA




2007•      政男 發表“Investigation of dsDNA Molecule Mechanical Behavior Using Atomistic Continuum Mechanics Method”NSTI Nanotech2007_Santa Clara, USA



2007•      政男 發表“Investigation of Mechanical Strength of The Nanoshell of Bacteriophage Phi-29”NSTI Nanotech2007_Santa Clara, USA



2007•      展延 發表“Estimation and validation of mechanical properties of single crystal silicon by atomic-level numerical model”ICEM13_Alexandroupolis, Greece



2007•      展延 發表“Thermal Management on Hot Spot Elimination / Junction Temperature Reduction for High Power Density RF Multi-chip Module”Thermal Stress 2007_Taipei, Taiwan



2007•6    昭荏修平 沈傑,建仲碩士班順利畢業。昭荏博士班 成功達陣。



2007•7    建嘉 發表“Thermal management on hot spot elimination / junction temperature reduction for high power density system in package structure”InterPACK 2007_Vancouver, BC, Canada



2007•7    修平 發表“Failure mode and thermal performance analysis of stacked panel level package (PLP)”InterPACK 2007_Vancouver, BC, Canada



2007•7    歡迎炘岳,偉豪,佐野,仕逸加入CSML



2007•7    歡迎大陸學生崔可航、雷平艷進行學術交流學程



2007•8     實驗室畢業旅行:澎湖之看小館之旅



2007•8     建嘉 發表“Study of Lamina Fracture of Cu/Low-k Interconnects Using the J-Integral Method”FEOFS 2007_Urumqi, CHINA



2007•       明志 發表“A Study of Material Effects for the Panel Level Package (PLP) Technology”IMPACT2007, Taipei, Taiwan



2007•       宗燐 發表“Investigation of the Hysteresis Phenomenon of A Silicon-based Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor”IMPACT2007, Taipei, Taiwan



2007•10    明志 發表“Reliability Assessment for Solders with a Stress Buffer Layer using Ball Shear Strength Test and Board-level Finite Element Analysis”ESREF 2007_Arcachon, France



2007•10    建嘉  發表“Reliability of Interfacial Adhesion in a Multi-Level Copper/Low-k Interconnect Structure”ESREF 2007_Arcachon, France



2007•11    宗燐  發表“Investigation of Thermal Performance of High-Concentration Photovoltaic Solar Cell Package”EMAP2007_Daejeon, Korea



2007•11    室瑩  發表“Reliability Analysis of Copper Interconnection in System-in-package Structure”EMAP2007_Daejeon, Korea



2007•12    昭荏  發表“Investigation of the mechanical properties of nano-scale metallic crystal structural with point defects”ENS'07_Paris, France



描述: 描述: 2008



20086    宏安,室瑩, 端佑碩士班順利畢業。



20087    歡迎寧遠廷鑫彥輔 加入CSML



20088    實驗室畢業旅行:綠島



2008       宗燐  發表Analysis of Cu/Low-k Structure under Back End of Line Process MAM2008 Dresden, Germany



2008       偉豪  發表Analysis of Thermal Performance of High Power Light Emitting Diodes Package EPTC2008 Singapore



2008       端佑  發表Validation and reliability assessment of board level drop test of chip-scale-packaging ICEM2008 Nanjing, China



2008       明志  發表Reliability Analysis of the Panel Base Package (PBPTM) Technology with Enhanced Cover Layer IMPACT2008 Taipei, Taiwan



2008       展延  發表Investigation of influences of PCB on board-level drop test by dynamic simulation and modal analysis IMPACT2008       Taipei, Taiwan



2008       展延  發表Solder joint and trace line failure simulation and experimental validation of fan-out type wafer level packaging subjected to drop impact ESREF 2008   Maastricht, Netherland



2008       仲融  發表Reliability and Thermal Assessment of Stacked Chip-on-Metal Panel Based Package (PBPTM) with Fan-Out Capability        ESTC 2008     London, England



2008       仲融  發表Reliability and Thermal Assessment of Stacked Chip



2008       宗燐  發表Investigation of Thermal Performance of High-Concentration Photovoltaic Solar Cell System 23rd EU PVSEC    Valencia, Spain

2008       香鋐 發表TSV Process Using Bottom-up Cu Electroplating and its Reliability Test ESTC2008 Greenwich, UK

2008       炘岳 發表Reliability Analysis of Copper Interconnections of System-in-Packaging Structure using Finite Element Method ICEPT 2008 Shanghai, China

2008       明志 發表A Study of Thermal Performance for the Panel Base Package (PBPTM) Technology ICEPT 2008 Shanghai, China

2008       明志 發表Trace Line Failure Analysis and Characterization of the Panel Base Package (PBPTM) Technology with Fan-Out Capability   ITherm 2008        Florida, USA

2008       政男 發表Sappire-removed induced the deformation of high power InGaN light emitting diodes EuroSimE2008 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany




2008       展延 發表Investigation of Stress-buffer-enhanced Package Subjected to Board-level Drop Test        EuroSimE2008       Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

2008       仲融 發表Estimation and Validation of Elastic Modulus of Carbon Nanotubes Using Nano-Scale Tensile and Vibrational Analysis        ICCES'08        Hawaii, USA



2008       宗燐  發表Cracking energy estimation of ultra low-k package using novel prediction approach combined with global-local modeling technique MAM2008      Dresden, Germany



描述: 描述: 2009



20096    偉豪佐野 仕逸碩士班順利畢業。政男明志建嘉展延博士班順利畢業。

20097    歡迎涵融佩琦鍾雍守勤 加入CSML

20098    實驗室畢業旅行:宜蘭

2009       炘岳 發表Warpage Analysis of High Power InGaN Light Emitting Diodes after Laser Lift-off   EMAP 2009 Penang, Malaysia

2009       室瑩 發表Non-Uniform Thickness Effect of Die Bonding Interface in

High-Concentration Photovoltaic Module    EMAP 2009 Penang, Malaysia

2009       炘岳 發表Reliability Analysis of Copper Interconnections of System-in-Packaging  IMPACT 2009 Taipei, Taiwan

2009       昭荏 發表Reliability and Parametric Study on Chip Scale Package Under Board-Level Drop Test IMPACT2009 Taipei, Taiwan

2009       宗燐 發表Fabrication Process Simulation and Reliability Improvement of High- brightness LEDs ESREF 2009 Arcachon, France

2009       展延 發表Metal trace impact life prediction model for stress buffer enhanced packageEMPC2009        Rimini, Italy

2009        端佑        發表A study of thermal performance for chip-in-substrate package on package EMPC2009 Rimini, Italy

2009       香鋐 發表3D Stacked Chip Technology Using Bottom-up Electroplated TSVs ECTC 2009 San Diego, USA

2009       昭荏 發表Dynamic Study and Structure Enhancement of Small Outline Dual-in-line Memory Module  EuroSimE 2009      Delft, Netherlands

2009       佐野 發表Uncertainty and Reliability Analysis of Chip Scale Package Subjected to Board-level Drop Test      EuroSimE 2009      Delft, Netherlands

2009       仲融 發表Die-Cracking Evaluation of Silicon Chip Covered with Polymer Film for 3D Chip Stacking Packages ICEP 2009 Kyoto, Japan

2009       偉豪   發表Analysis of Thermal Performance for High Power Light Emitting Diodes Lighting Module ICEP 2009 Kyoto, Japan

2009       仲融 發表Strength Evaluation of Silicon Die for 3D Chip Stacking Packages Using ABF as Dielectric and Barrier Layer in Through-Silicon Via MAM2009      Grenoble, France

2009       建嘉 發表 Investigation of the Delamination Mechanism of the Thin Film Dielectric Structure in Flip Chip PackagesMAM2009 Grenoble, France



描述: 描述: 2010



2010•6    寧遠廷鑫彥輔碩士班順利畢業。仲融宗燐士班順利畢業。

20108    歡迎致廷彥儒介凱于舜,    莉菱加入CSML

20108    實驗室畢業旅行:香港

2010       昭荏 發表Research on Multi-Scale Structural Analysis using the Atomistic-Continuum Equivalent Mechanics CSWNST-8 Hong Kong

2010       端佑 發表Reliability Assessment of 3D Chip Stacking Package Using Metal Bonding and Through Silicon Via Technologies ASME-IMECE        Vancouver, Canada

2010       昭荏 發表Carbon Nanotubes Structural Mechanics Using the Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics and Equivalent Methods ACCM-7 Taipei, Taiwan

2010       室瑩 發表Life Prediction of High Concentration Photovoltaic Modules Subjected to Thermal Cycling Test IMPACT2010 Taipei, Taiwan

2010       炘岳 發表Strength Determination of Light-emitting diodes and Chip Structure Design IMPACT2010 Taipei, Taiwan

2010       炘岳 發表Determination of Maximum Strength and Optimization of LED Chip Structure      ESTC2010      Berlin, Germany

2010       發表A Study on the Thermal Performance of a Chip-in-substrate-type LED Package Structure ICSJ2010 Tokyo, Japan

2010       端佑 發表Thermal Design and Transient Analysis of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors of Power Module Itherm2010 Las Vegas, USA

2010       宗燐 發表Transient Thermal Analysis of High-Concentration Photovoltaic Cell Module Subjected to Coupled Thermal and Power Cycling Test Conditions Itherm2010 Las Vegas, USA

2010       仲融 發表Delamination Investigation of Copper Bumps in 3D Chip Stacking Packages Using the Modified Virtual Crack Closure Technique ICEP2010       Sapporo, Japan

2010       室瑩 發表Temperature Dependent Current Crowding Analysis of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ICEP2010 Sapporo, Japan

2010       發表Light Degradation Prediction of High Power Light Emitting Diode Lighting Modules EuroSimE2010 Bordeaux, France

2010       仲融 發表InterfaciProcess Integration for 3D Chip Stacking with Thin Wafer Handling TechnologyMAM2010 Belgium

2010       香鈜 發表Process Integration for 3D Chip Stacking with Thin Wafer Handling TechnologyMAM2010 Belgium

2010       室瑩 發表Life Prediction of HCPV Under Thermal Cycling Test Condition MAM2010 Belgium

2010       宗燐 發表Overview and Applicability of Residual Stress Estimation of Film-Substrate Structure        ICAM2010 Kenting, Taiwan

2010       宏安 發表A Robust Nano-Mechanics Approach for Tensile and Modal Analysis Using Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics Method   ICONN 2010 Sydney, Australia



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2011•6    珮綺守勤涵融碩士班順利畢業。

20117    歡迎顥之,冠中,湘珺,喻翔    加入CSML

20118    實驗室畢業旅行:日本九州

2011•8    守勤 預官考取,同時成功申請晶電研發替代役

2011•9    歡迎孟佳  加入CSML

2011       珮綺 發表“Determination and Verification of Silicon Die Strength Using Ball-Breaker Test,” InterPACK 2011, Portland,Oregon, USA

2011       涵融 發表“Thin Film ResidualStress Assessment of Capacitive MEMS Microphones Using Process ModelingTechnology,” InterPACK 2011, Portland,Oregon, USA

2011       發表Stress/Stain Assessment and Reliability Prediction of Through Silicon Via and Trace Line Structures of 3D Packaging,EuroSimE2011, Linz, Austria

2011       室瑩 發表Electro-Thermal Analysis of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Module Subjected to Power Cycling Test Using Specified Boundary Condition Technology,”EuroSimE2011, Linz, Austria

2011       昌駿 發表 "Investigation of Stress Effect of Electromigration Behavior of Aluminum Strip," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 

2011       發表 "Light degradation test and design of thermal performance for high-power light-emitting diodes," Microelectronics Reliability, in press.

2011       宗燐 發表 “Overview and applicability of residual stress estimation of film-substrate structure,” Thin Solid Films,

2011               端佑 發表  "Thermal-mechanical behavior of the bonding wire for a power module subjected to the power cycling test," Microelectronics Reliability

2011       宗燐 發表Measurement and simulation of interfacial adhesion strength between SiO2 thin film and III-V material,” Microelectronics Reliability

2011       昭荏 發表 "A Robust Nano-Mechanics Approach for Tensile and Modal Analysis Using Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics Method" Computational Materials Science

2011       室瑩 發表 "Life Prediction of HCPV under Thermal Cycling Test Condition,"  Microelectronic Engineering

2011       仲融 發表 "Interfacial delamination investigation between copper bumps in 3D chip stacking package by using the modified virtual crack closure technique," Microelectronic Engineering

2011       端佑 發表 "Dwell Time Effect and Thermal Fatigue Life Assessment of Power Module," 13th International Conference on Electronics Materials and Packaging

2011       香鈜 發表 “Process Integration and Reliability Test for 3D Chip Stacking with Thin Wafer Handling Technology,” in Electronic Components and Technology Conference

2011       珮綺 發表 "Determination of  Silicon Die Initial Crack Using Acoustic Emission Technique," iMPACT 2011, Taipei, Taiwan




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2012•1    香鈜博士班順利畢業  

20122    歡迎佾澈  加入CSML

2012•7    致廷彥儒介凱于舜碩士班順利畢業

20127    歡迎佳圻,思妘  保雄  加入CSML

2012•8    昭荏炘岳博士班順利畢業

20128    實驗室畢業旅行:日本大阪

2012      宗燐 發表"Thermal Performance Assessment and Validation of High Concentration Photovoltaic Solar Cell Module ," IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

2012      彥輔 發表"Light degradation test and design of thermal performance for high-power light-emitting diodes," Microelectronics Reliability

2012      喻翔 發表"A Thermal Performance Assessment of Panel Type Packaging (PTP) Technology for High Efficiency LED," 14th International Conference on Electronics Materials and Packaging

2012      彥輔 發表"Reliability Analysis of 3D IC Integration packaging under Drop Test Condition," iMPACT 2012

2012      彥輔 發表"Investigation of Interconnect Design on Interfacial Cracking Energy of Al/TiN Barriers under a Flexural Load," ThinFilms2012

2012      建富 發表"Quantum Efficiency Investigation at high Current Density of Ultra-High-Brightness LEDs," ITHERM 2012

莉菱 發表" External Stress Effect to Electromigration on Thermal Annealed and Residual Stress Controlled Aluminum Strip," ICEP2012

2012      莉菱 發表" Development and analysis of the thermoelectric material with intermetallic compound," ICEP 2012

2012      致廷 發表"Investigation on the Effect of Surface Roughness on the Fracture Strength of SCS," EuroSimE 2012

2012      端佑 發表"Residual Stress Effect of Electromigration Behavior on Aluminum Strip," Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference

2012      端佑 發表"Thermal Cycling Period Effect of Fatigue Life of the Power Module," Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference

2012      昭荏 發表"Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of Si/SiGe Heterostructure using Atomistic-continuum Mechanics with Constraint Equations,"APMC-10, ICONN 2012 & ACMM-22


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2013•7 歡迎至軒 逢懋 哲嘉 加入CSML

2013•8 鐘雍 顥之 冠中 湘珺 喻翔 碩士班順利畢業

2013•8 端佑 博士班順利畢業

2013•9 歡迎宏德 加入CSML

2013•10 建富 博士班順利畢業

2013      昭荏 發表"Estimation of the Mechanical Property of CNT Ropes Using Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics and the Equivalent Methods," CMC-Computers, Materials, & Continua

2014      建富 發表"Research on the degradation of AlGaInP Ultra High Brightness LEDs influenced by ohmic metal design," Microelectronic Engineering

2013      昌駿 發表"Investigation of interconnect design on interfacial cracking energy of Al/TiN barriers under a flexural load," Thin Solid Films

2013      端佑 發表"Investigation of Solder Crack Behavior and Fatigue Life of the Power Module on Different Thermal Cycling Period," Microelectronic Engineering

2013      佾澈 發表"Investigating the Temperature Effect of Reliability on Integration IC 3D Packaging under Drop Test", Publishes at the 15th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference

2013      思妘 發表"Reliability Assessment of the Temperature Profiles Effect on the Power Module", Published at The 29th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics & The 1st International Conference on Mechanics

2013      佳祈 發表"Analysis of LED Wire Bonding Process Using Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian and Explicit Time Integration Methods", iMPACT2013

2013      彥輔 發表"Development of Double-Sided with Double-Chip Stacking Structure using Panel Level Embedded Wafer Level Packaging," Electronic Components Technology Conference (ECTC 2013)

2013      昭荏 發表"The Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Ropes Using Atomistic-Continuum Mechanics and the Equivalent Methods", ICCES 2013

2013      端佑 發表"Bonding Wire Life Prediction Model of the Power Module under Power Cycling Test," EuroSimE 2013

2013      湘珺 發表"The Solder Creep Behavior of Power Module Subject to Temeperature Cycling Test with Different Temperature Profiles," ICEP2013

2013      莉菱 發表"Electro-thermal finite element analysis and verification of power module with aluminum wire", Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference

2013      莉菱 發表"Thermo-electric finite element analysis and characteristic of thermoelectric generator with intermetallic compound", Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference

2013      建富 發表"Research on the degradation of AlGaInP Ultra High Brightness LEDs influenced by ohmic metal design", Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference


描述: 描述: C:\AppServ\www\csml\history.files\image2014.JPG


2014•7 歡迎敏軒 智如 御庭 加入CSML

2014•8 佾澈 思妘 碩士班順利畢業

2014       珮綺  發表"Evaluation of Die Strength using Finite Element Method with Experiment Validation," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology

2014      莉菱 發表"Electro-thermal finite element analysis and verification of power module with aluminum wire", Microelectronic Engineering

2014      建富 發表"Research on Efficiency Droop Mechanism and Improvement in AlGaInP Ultra-High-Brightness LEDs Using the Transient Measurement Method", Solid-State Electronics

2014      端佑 發表"Life Prediction of High Cycle Fatigue in Aluminum Bonding Wires under Power Cycling Test", IEEE Transactions on device and materials reliability

2014      莉菱 發表"Thermo-electric finite element analysis and characteristic of thermoelectric generator with intermetallic compound", Microelectronic Engineering

2014      昌駿 發表"Investigation of consequent process-induced stress for N-type metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor with a sunken shallow trench isolation pattern," Thin Solid Films

2014      老師 發表"Thermal Stability of Graphene Sheet on the Si Surface under Thermal Processing: A Molecular Dynamics Study" International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research

2014      凱強 發表Investigation of solder creep behavior on wafer level CSP under thermal cycling loading,”2014 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP)

2014      彥輔 發表"Study on Thermal Induced Stress Hysteresis Behavior of Thin Film Sensor," ThinFilms 2014

2014      彥輔 發表"Development of a Feasible Simulation Methodology for Residual Stress Assessment of Multilayer Thin Film Structure," ThinFilms 2014

2014      彥輔 發表"Acceleration Factor Analysis of Aging Test on Gallium Nitride (GaN)-based High Power Light-emitting Diode (LED)," ITherm 2014

2014      彥輔 發表"Structure design and reliability assessment of double-sided with double-chip stacking packaging," EuroSimE 2014

2014      莉菱 發表"Study on configuration design of interconnection in high power module," EuroSimE 2014

2014      凱強 發表"Investigation of Strain Rate Effect on Lifetime Performance of Wafer Level CSP Under Different Thermal Cycling Loading Rate," iMPACT 2014


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2015•2 歡迎嘉誠 配綸 Robin 加入CSML

2015•2 佳圻 碩士班順利畢業

2015•7 歡迎承諺 聖達 天寧 加入CSML

2015•8 至軒 逢懋 哲嘉 宏德 碩士班順利畢業

2015•8 實驗室畢業旅行:澎湖

2015•9 彥輔 莉菱 博士班順利畢業

2015•9 歡迎 茗崎 加入CSML

2015      老師 發表"Interfacial Topography and Properties of Graphene Sheets on Different Reconstructed Silicon Surfaces," CARBON, Vol. 96, pp. 29-39, Jan 2016.

2015      凱強 發表"Reliability Assessment of Packaging Solder Joints Under Different Thermal Cycle Loading Rates," IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability

2015      珮綺 發表"Determination of Initial Crack Strength of Silicon Die Using Acoustic Emission Technique," Journal of Electronic Materials 2015


2015      涵融 發表"Development of a Process Modeling for Residual Stress Assessment of Multilayer Thin Film Structure,"Thin Solid Films 2015


2015      香鈜 發表"The Effect of Mechanical Stress on Electromigration Behavior," Journal of Mechanics 2015


2015      老師 發表"First-principles density functional calculations of physical properties of orthorhombic Au2Al crystal" Intermetallics 2015


2015      老師 發表"Microstructure Effects on Cutting Forcesand Flow Stress in Ultra‐precision Machining of Polycrystalline Brittle Materials" ASME Journal of Manufacturing Sciences and Engineering 2015


2015      老師 發表"Physics-based Analysis of Minimum Quantity Lubrication Grinding" International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2015


2015      哲嘉 發表"Analysis of LED Wire Bonding Process Using Arbitrary Lagrangian - Eulerian and Equilibrium Mesh Smoothing Algorithm" ICEP 2015


2015      逢懋 發表"Determination of the Junction Temperature of Gallium Nitride (GaN)-based High Power LED Under Thermal with Current loading Conditions" ICEP 2015


2015      宏德 發表"Research on Packing Effects of  Three-axis SOI MEMS Accelerometer" EuroSimE 2015


2015      莉菱 發表"Study on configuration design of interconnection in high power module" EuroSimE 2015

2016.7    歡迎 黃安 佳翰 聿翔 少群 憲宸 加入CSML

2016.8    實驗室畢業旅行:澳洲

2016     吳凱強 發表"Characterization on Acceleration-Factor Wquation
for packaging-Solder Joint Reliablity"Microelectronics Reliablity,pp 167~172, Oct. 2016

2016     老師   發表"Macroscopic Mechanical Constitutive Characterization of Through-Silicon-via-Based
3-D Integration"  IEEE Transaction on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, March 2016

2016     老師   發表"Interfacial Topography and Properties of Graphene Sheets on Different Reconstructed
Silicon Surfaces," CARBON, pp. 29-39, Jan 2016.

2016     佩倫   敏軒     發表"Finite element mesh size effect for reliability assessment of WLCSP using
different creep theories".
2016 11th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT)

2016     老師   發表"Characteristic study of anand and modified anand creep models for area array
type WLCSP".
2016 11th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT)

2016     凱強   發表 "Characterization of thermal cycling ramp rate and dwell time effects on
AF (Acceleration Factor) Estimation,"
 Electronic Components Technology Conference (ECTC 2016)

2016     彥輔 宏德 御庭   發表"A Method to Compensate Packaging Effects on three-axis
MEMS Accelerometer,"   ITherm, 2016

2016     莉菱   發表"Power cycling test and failure mode analysis of high-power module,"  ICEP, 2016

2016     敏軒   發表"Investigation of thermal cycling maximum temperature effect on fatigue
life of WLCSP,"   ICEP, 2016

2016     彥輔 逢懋 智如   發表"Study on current and junction temperature stress aging effect for accelerated
 aging test of Light emitting diodes,"   ICEP, 2016



2017.2    歡迎 翔云  加入CSML

2017.7    歡迎 士瑋 育承 奕廷 佩勳  加入CSML

2017.7    實驗室畢業旅行:日本

2017.8   承諺  聖達  天寧 茗崎  Robin  碩士班順利畢業

2017      凱強   發表"A Novel Acceleration-Factor Equation for Packaging-Solder Joint Reliability  Assessment at Different Thermal Cyclic Loading Rates" Journal of Mechanics, pp35~40 ,February 2017

2017     彥輔   發表"Design and Reliability Assessment of Novel 3D-IC Packaging"Journal of Mechanics,
pp 193~205 ,April 2017

2017    敏軒   發表"A Modified Acceleration Factor Empirical Equation for BGA Type Package" 
ECTC2017, May 29 - Jun. 2017

2017     老師   發表"Feasibility Evaluation of Creep Model for Failure Assessment of Solder Joint Reliability of Wafer Level Packaging", IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, September 2017.



2018          寶雄發表"Design And Reliability Assessment of Stacked FAN-OUT Packaging", SMTA Pan Pacific Microelectronics Conference, February, 2018.

2018.7       歡迎 柏瑞 驛傑 宗樺 珉宇 加入CSML

2018.7      實驗室畢業旅行:日本

2018.7  Robin 發表"Overview Study of Solder Joint Reliability Due to Creep Deformation", Journal of Mechanics, July 2018

2018.8  佳翰  聿翔  少群   黃安 碩士班順利畢業

2018.9  嘉誠 發表 "Development of a High Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction Model for Thin Flim Silicon Structures", Journal of Electronic Packaging, Volume140,Issue 3, September 2018.

2018.9  實驗室扇出型多晶片堆疊封裝之電子裝置及形成該裝置之方法獲得專利證書 No.I636537

2019.7       歡迎 軒呈 柏維 聖元 冠儒 加入CSML

2019.8      實驗室畢業旅行:日本

2019.8   嘉誠  士班順利畢業

2019.8   翔云  育承  士瑋  奕廷  佩勳 碩士班順利畢業

2019.8   賀 2018亞太地區大專生力學競賽 李育承 學長榮獲第一名  沈奕廷 學長榮獲第二名

2020.7       歡迎 弘旻 柏伸 漢翔 柏盛加入CSML

2020.8      實驗室畢業旅行:宜花東

2020.8   柏瑞 驛傑 宗樺 珉宇 碩士班順利畢業

2021.7       歡迎 靖瑜 珮芸 徐甄 之懿 泓霖 加入CSML

2021.8   軒呈 柏維 聖元 冠儒 碩士班順利畢業

2022.7       歡迎 煜翔 彥全 映汝 承恩 加入CSML

2022.3  清華 碩士班順利畢業

2022.8   漢翔 柏伸 柏盛 弘旻 碩士班順利畢業

2022.9   Sunil  士班順利畢業

2023.3     昱士班順利畢業

2023.7     歡迎 明清 智安 旻頤 祐霆 加入CSML

2023.8     實驗室畢業旅行:宜花

2023.8     靖瑜 珮芸 徐甄 之懿 泓霖 碩士班順利畢業


2023.7     歡迎  昶旭 嘉恩 雅琪 唯鳳 加入CSML

2023.8     煜翔 彥全 映汝 承恩 碩士班順利畢業

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